Я вообще не понимаю!!! Вообщето работы только до 29-го принимаються значит в 29-ого и должны все ставить оценки! Я просто раньше зашёл смотрю еже поставлены, ну и тоже выставил!!!
GRiDxHawK, да это RRTxKaTe попутала,взяла и начала оценивать работы раньше всего,якобы она не знала <_< Ну не удалять же после этого её оценки,пришлось всем судьям оценивать работы участников,да может оно и к лучшему,потому что заявок на чемп было пздц мало.Ладно, что было,то и было.. Оценки я пересмотрел и внёс изменения...
Next time (if there is a next time.. (Shame is the word I would use) tell me all what I have to do.. I'm not Mrs. Guesser.. Even I used this style and then I see I just had to put the middle, one number.. This nobody told me and seeing this for example I thinked I should put my notes like this.
And I repeat here, one EDR admin told me that I can put my notes when I want (this was yesterday). I was talking with him (thinking I can believe in him) about the art champ, because he can write in english without difficulty..We were talking about this Even I don't know which difference is anyway.. I think the art must be opened now.. My notes are just one part..not all So isn't all my fault, even without the incident with the notes of yesterday, also is the another mistake on the visual, spoilers, etc
I can't write and understand russian, and I want to be judge but do good the things, for this I just need that "you" told me exactly and all what I have to do.. This is my first time as judge, thanks to EDRxBumer cause this, but I don't really liked.. Not like this. It doesn't really make me happy.. If I will be a judge like this I prefer don't be anymore <_<